The interior is in. The car came out great!
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- Photo Information:
- Interior Color: black
- Visible Options: magnum 500 wheels
- Owner: Carson Roberts
- Posted: 11/14/2010
- Viewer Comments:
- Hey maybe you guys have over looked this one. Really. Maybe it should be an attitude. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
- Viewer Comments:
- Hey maybe you guys have over looked this one, would look great.... [Editor: send us some more photos at different angles with interesting backgrounds, its a beautiful car!!!]/li>
- Viewer Comments:
- My car is currently in the shop getting painted - 65 Mustang. This is the color going on it so it will match my 2011 Mustang. Great car. Very inspired. I've been wanting to do this color for a lonnng time. Email me some pics>
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