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More Mustang and F-100 Pickup leap frogs are shown on this double page as well as a flying leap into a lake. All film for the 1965 CBS TV Sports Spectacular.

High Ski Driving in a Mustang is shown here where Don Chadwick drives the Mustang on two wheels. It says he broke the world's record for driving a car on two wheels around a half-mile banked track when he kept is Mustang rolling for 2 laps or more than a full mile.

Mustang Precision Driving is featured on this page of the 1965 Tournament of Thrills promotional booklet. You can see at least 4 hardtops where used, adding this to the one white and on darker colored fastback on the previous page puts the total to at least 6. Have you seen these cars today? We are looking for them for our book on special and limited edition Mustangs.

Three stunts are featured here: The Dive Bomber Crash has Buster Gunter driving a stock car up a high ramp, flies through the air, and crashes head-on into parked cars. The Crash Roll Over has Tex Randall drives a jalopy demolished in a wheel-to-wheel roll over in which the car turns completely over an back on 4 wheels while the driver remains in the seat. Zeke Reifsnyder performs the Slide For Life where he leaps from the rear of a speeding Mustang and slides through a pool of flaming gasoline.

This page features three stunts. The Human Battering Ram features Ben Gates clinging to the hood of a speeding car and crashes head-first through a flaming board wall. Bill Moya performs the Flaming Cycle Crash where his motorcycle crashes through a blazing barrier. Finally Jimmy Canton leaps is motorcycle over 3 parked cars from ramp-to-ramp.

The Daredevil Clowns are featured on this page as well as all the drivers and the CBS staff with Tournament officials.

Ford sponsored part of the Tournament of Thrills show and this is their Pickup ad near the end of the promotional booklet.

B.F. Goodrich sponsored the Tournament of Thrills show and this is their ad on the back of the promotional booklet.

Red 1965 Mustang hardtop on display at a car show in East Peoria, Illinois. This car has a white interior and a V8 engine under the hood.

1965 was the first year for the GT option. This GT emblem is part of the option. The rocker stripe is another part.

It has a white and red interior. The manual shifter has a very aggressive bend. The even gears lay on the console.

According to the decal on the air cleaner, this is the top dog - 389ci 4 barrel high performance V8 engine.

This Arcadian Blue 1965 Mustang hardtop was at the 2010 Mustang Club of America Grand Nationals held in Bellevue, Washington. This car show moves around the country each year, but in 2010 I was lucky enough to have it just down the street from me. It was tied with the 2010 Mustangs Northwest Roundup car show held the next day. I bet over 1000 Mustangs showed up.

Here is another view of the 1965 Arcadian Blue Mustang hardtop, it has full wheel covers, rocker panel metal trim, and a blue interior. No passenger side mirror, that was an extra priced option in 1965.

These were the standard, 13 inch, base-level wheel covers in 1965. A larger 14 inch version came standard on V8's and optional spinners could be ordered.

I like how this photo matches the previous and looks good next to each other as shown in the thumbnails above.

Normally I don't take photos of trunks, but this one was so clean, restored, and has a matching tool bag.

Raven Black 1965 Mustang with white vinyl hardtop and wire wheels with spinners. This car was at the 2010 Mustang Club of America Grand Nationals in Bellevue, Washington.

I tried to get a shot of the great interior of this 1965 Mustang through its window. It has a parchment white interior trim, full center console, and deluxe wooden steering wheel.

The 289 cubic inch V8 engine has been customized a bit.
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